Thursday, 28 December 2017

Understanding SQL

To achieve these reports, you need to at least have a basic understanding of SQL, ideally you want to be able to create stored procedures etc. In time I may cover more of the basics of SQL as this is one of my areas of expertise with over 5 years’ experience working with Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL. I have created extremely complex SQL statements and stored procedures for many things from fuzzy matching to 1000 line + SQL statements for reporting, implemented data warehouses from scratch and much more.

There are some great learning resources for SQL including w3schools etc. and I won’t want to reinvent the wheel. The basic things you want to do for this are:
  • Follow the instructions to install SQL Server or Oracle etc.
  • Create a few tables
  • Select statements of specific column
  • Join a few tables together
  • Probably worth creating a few views as easier in python to select from these 

Some sample code of a view / select statement 

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