Tuesday 2 January 2018

DB Browser for SQL Lite

SQL Lite is a fantastic tool which I will discuss in a post on its own. However, I feel that a great way to get start with SQL Lite, especially those who started out as database developer like myself, and don’t want to work with python for everything in a database like this. Luckily, I came across a great tool called DB Browser for SQL Lite. It is sort of an IDE for SQL Lite files, you can browse the data, write SQL statements and create views. If I am creating a view, then I much prefer to do this using the browser than writing the one-off statement in python.

DB Browser can be found here http://sqlitebrowser.org/

There are some screenshots below to show a couple of the basic things you can do in this software tool. Basically you can think of it as SSMS for SQL Lite. 

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