I thought that quite a cool thing to be able to do would be to get some news stories on a given subject and then create a post on these. Thinking about this in a work environment you might want to pull in news on your company or if you are working on something specific then that topic.
There is a great site which has an api that allows you to do just this and all very easily. It is returned in json format and my attempts to remove duplicates in pandas has continued to fail, but the overall idea works and just needs to be perfected. In my case I am getting the news stories and then using them to create a blog post on blogger.
The code:
I was just wondering if you were able to use NewsAPI within blogger direct from the feed. I was really interested in your article and would love to find out if it is possible to put into a blog. From what you said, it sounds great. So can you use Blogger with NewsApI directly or would you need another type of