Monday 12 March 2018

News Articles on Python

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News Articles on Python

Title: Google Search shows Stack Overflow answers in search results for some users

Stack Overflow is an immensely popular website for asking programming-related questions. If you're ever stuck on a coding problem, typing it into Google and clicking the first Stack Overflow result usually does the trick. Now it appears the last step might no…

Title: Does Gutenberg Address the Needs of the Average WordPress User?

With WordPress in the process of preparing the new Gutenberg editor for full release in version 5.0, there are a ton of opinions on the change. I recently witnessed a demonstration of what the editor can do, and the presenter […]

Title: Grab These iPad Apps They Are Free Today

Free resource of educational web tools, 21st century skills, tips and tutorials on how teachers and students integrate technology into education

Title: Doug Ford declared new Ontario PC Party leader - Toronto Sun

Toronto Sun Doug Ford declared new Ontario PC Party leader Toronto Sun Following a long, drawn-out process to count then review the more than 64,000 electronic ballots cast by party members, Ford narrowly edged out former MPP Christine Elliott, party official…

Title: Hyson

Creative Agency: - Design Studio Creative Director: Alex Kodimsky Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work Client: Hyson Location: Moldova, Russia Packaging Contents: Tea Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper box Printing Process: Digital printing Th…

Title: ScienceAlert Deal: Get More Than 140 Hours of Coding Training, Without Leaving Your House

Coding is undeniably one of the most valuable skills to have in today's job market, but for many aspiring coders, figuring out where to start can prove challenging.

Title: How to get the Image object from the shaderresourceview of the rendertexture?

I want to output the Image file from the shaderresourceview of the rendertexture, so I have to transfer the shaderresourceview into a image object, and I don't know how to do this. Could you help me with it? PS:I am using SharpDx to develop my program. So it'…

Title: Daily Hacker News for 2018-03-11

The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on March 11, 2018 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are: Geany – Lightweight IDE for Linux and Windows (comments) Literate Devops with Emacs Org-Mode (2014) (comments) E.O. Wilson on Introve…

Title: Compte rendu Vue.js Amsterdam 2018

La conférence Vue.js Amsterdam s’est tenue le 16 février dernier au Amsterdam Theater, un énorme amphithéâtre, avec un écran géant à 180°. Il s’agit de la plus grosse conférence dédiée à Vue, avec plus de 1000 participants. C’était l’occasion pour la communau…

Title: How to Connect Your Child with a Specific Coding Language

[Sponsored] As parents, it’s important to understand we don't need to be STEM experts in order to advance our kids’ interests in STEM education—that's where other well-trained minds can step in! What we can do, though, is help kids get started by connecting t…

Title: annot-utils 0.2.1

Python programs for processing gene annotation files

Title: ccxt 1.11.74

A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 90+ exchanges

Title: ccxt 1.11.77

A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 90+ exchanges

Title: 10 Simple Ways To Organize Your Closet

10 Ways To Organize Your Closet *Get more FRUGAL Articles, tips and tricks from Raining Hot Coupons here* 10 Ways To Organize Your Closet Keeping our closets organized and clean can be a hard task to conquer. Sometimes we need more space and shelving, sometim…

Title: Driver security checklist

In this article. This article provides a driver security checklist for driver developers to help reduce the risk of drivers being compromised. Driver security overview. A security flaw is any flaw that allows an attacker to cause a driver to malfunction in su…

Title: McAfee Researchers Analyze Dark Side of Cryptocurrency Craze: Its Effect on Cybercrime

Blessing and Curse. The surge of Bitcoin popularity and price per coin piqued the interest of cybercriminals, driving cryptocurrency hijacking in the last quarter of 2017. However, the same popularity and price jump also created a headache for bad actors. Ran…

Title: McAfee Researchers Analyze Dark Side of Cryptocurrency Craze: Its Effect on Cybercrime

In December 2017 Bitcoin values skyrocketed, peaking at the unprecedented amount of roughly US$19,000 per coin. Unsurprisingly, the market for cryptocurrencies exploded in response. Investors, companies, and even the public found a fresh interest in digital c…

Title: Regenxbio Part II: Why The AAV Vector Will Deliver Stellar Clinical Outcomes

CAR-T, gene editing and gene therapy to play increasingly prominent roles going forward. Part I research on Regenxbio elucidated the underlying fundamentals of

Title: Why so large? breeze 5.12.3-1 Qt theme

HI all. I am trying to install a 'dark' theme on Arch with i3 wm. I always seem to be coding late into the night and my eyeballs are starting to boiling away looking at a bright screen. The breeze theme seems perfect because it has Gtk and Qt5 versions. So th…

Title: Gadgets deployed in wildlife battle

AKARTA - From cutting-edge DNA bar coding to smartphone apps that can identify illegal wildlife sales, conservationists are turning to hi-tech tools in their battle against Indonesia's animal traffickers.

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